Welcome to Rainbow C.D.C!
Rainbow CDC’s environment is designed to allow each child to progress socially, physically, creatively and academically at his or her own pace. Through a loving and warm atmosphere, It is our desire that each child will gain core values of love, patience, gentleness, kindness and self- esteem.
The goal of Rainbow Child Development Center, LLC is to ensure that all children are making progress in the domains of physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development.
- We use the Desired Results Developmental Profile, a tool developed by the California Department of Education, Early Education and Support Division, to assess the development of children.
- Children are assessed within 60 days of enrollment and every six months thereafter.
- Parents’ input is a necessary component of this assessment.
- The assessment is also used to plan and conduct age and developmentally appropriate activities for the children.
About California State Preschool Program(CSPP)
Assembly Bill 2759 (Chapter 308, Statutes of 2008) created the California State Preschool program. This program consolidated the funding for State Preschool, Prekindergarten and Family Literacy, and General Child Care center-based programs serving eligible three- and four-year-old children to create the California State Preschool Program, the largest state-funded preschool program in the nation. The program provides both part-day and full-day services that provides a core class curriculum that is developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate for the children served. The program also provides meals and snacks to children, parent education, referrals to health and social services for families, and staff development opportunities to employees. The program is administered through local educational agencies, colleges, community-action agencies, and private nonprofit agencies.
A Brief History of Rainbow CDC
Rainbow Child Development Center has been serving the Koreatown community since 1982. under the leadership Eunice Lee, Executive Director of Rainbow CDC since 1998. Rainbow C.D.C originally started as a private preschool until 2005, when it became part of Los Angeles Universal Preschool, also known as LAUP. This allowed Rainbow CDC to provide free high-quality part-time preschool for all 4 year old children within LA county. After 10 years of amazing service, LAUP funding ended for LA county in 2015.
Fortunately, Rainbow CDC started receiving funding from the California State Preschool Program (CSPP) in 2016. The funding from CSPP allowed for Rainbow CDC to provide free high quality fulltime and part-time preschool for all the children in our community depending on income eligibility.
Rainbow CDC focused on family and community engagement to teach our children about the importance of serving their communities and building strong lasting relationships with the families of our children.
We hope that you will come visit us and see our high-quality preschool program for yourself!
Income Eligibility
Families that meet the income eligibility may be accepted into our program, free of charge. Other families that qualify may be required to pay a small family fee depending on income.
Eligibility factors:
Family Size // Family Monthly Income // Family Yearly Income:
(85% of median income for re-certification after initial certification.)
Meals are included for Income Eligible Children!
Please contact us for more information!